Canning Peaches | Water Bath Canning Recipes

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canning jar sweet peaches

Canning your own peaches takes a little time and patience, but the rewards are so tasty!  I think food taste better when you make it yourself.  (and you know what is in it!)  Turn your canned peaches into delicious peach cobbler and even into popsicles. Enjoy delicious peach preserve too!

How To Preserve Peaches

We have planted our own peach trees and my parents have fruiting peach trees (mature enough to bear fruit)   We got a bushel of peaches and canned our own peaches.  When canning, we do small batches as we get more peaches every year.

With a little effort, you can make enough to last you through the year.  You could even make enough for a couple years and skip a year if you don’t love canning as much as I do.

Our peaches were juicy and did not require sugar water.  If yours do, use the recipe at the end below,  to make your hot syrup.

peel peaches to remove the pit before canning

How Do You Prepare Peaches for Canning?

Start by washing the peaches gently to remove any dirt.  You can then blanch the peaches in hot water and peel them once blanched. Halve the peaches and remove the pit.

How Do You Make Canning Syrup for Peaches?

Bring to a boil 5 cups water (per batch) and add 1, 3 or 4 cups of white sugar for light syrup, medium syrup or heavy syrup.

canned ripe peaches

How Do You Can Peaches Without a Pressure Canner?

Peaches can be canned in a water bath canner.  We recommend using lemon juice or citric acid in the jars.  This helps prevent the fruit from turning brown.

canning peaches sweet juice
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How to Can Peaches

Turn your ripe peaches into peach cobbler, popsicles & preserves with canning. Learn how to can peaches and make enough to last you all year!
Course: Canning
Cuisine: American
Author: Regina Sober


  • peaches
  • fruit fresh or lemon juice
  • water
  • sugar


Canning Instructions

  • Boil the jar lids to sterilize (until the water boils).Blanch the peaches in hot water using the strainer pot and place in a bowl or another pot with cold water to allow them to cool and be handled.
  • Remove the skin from the peaches.
  • Cut in half and remove the pit.
  • Fill the jars with the peaches, leaving 1 inch head space.
  • If you need to add syrup, use the recipe below to add in, filling jars to leave 1" head space. (you can also use hot water instead).
  • Clean the top of the jar and place the lid and ring on the jar and tighten slightly.
  • Place the jars in the canner with hot water and cover.
  • Allow the water to boil and keep in water bath for 20 minutes for pints or 25 minutes for quarts.
  • Remove the jars and place on the counter to cool.
  • Write the date and what is in the jar on the lid with a sharpie marker.

Making Syrup

  • In a separate pot, add
    1 cup sugar to 5 cups water (for light syrup).
    3 cups sugar to 5 cups water (for medium syrup). 
    4 cups sugar to 4 cups water (for heavy syrup).
  • Bring to simmer and then you can add into jars before they are water bath canned.


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Use these to start making your favorite peach cobbler recipe.
Turn your ripe peaches into peach cobbler, popsicles & preserves with canning. Learn how to can peaches and make enough to last you all year!

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