enjoy Charlotte Frontier Days – Charlotte Michigan

enjoy the saloon

what’s going on at Charlotte Frontier Days

Growing up in Charlotte, Frontier Days is something my parents would take me to as a kid.  We also went because I used to be in dance, and would perform during the festivities or was in the parade.

Frontier Days has been happening in Charlotte since 1970.  Money from the event has been used to better the schools and the community in Charlotte.  It is always the weekend after Labor Day.

When you think Frontier, you probably are thinking of pioneers, horses and covered wagons.  Yes, that is part of what Frontier Days is. You’ll see people dressed up as cowboys and cowgirls, boots, flannel shirts and cowboy hats.  But there is much more to this celebration.

Each year a grand marshall is named for the festivities honoring their contributions to the community.

downtown charlotte michigan

things to do during the festivities

There is the saloon that is located down at the Eaton County Fairgrounds.  It’s a place where locals gather and if you are there on Friday or Saturday night, it can be a class reunion for people you haven’t seen in a while too.  You can find drinks and dancing happening there late into the night.

Also happening for the long weekend (Wednesday-Sunday) are a variety of events at the fairgrounds like a rodeo, concert, dancing, flea market kids activities and much more.  You can also find carnival fair food here and there too (yum!)

homemade elephant ears

Downtown on the old courthouse lawn, you will find an amazing craft show from various local and not local artists happening Friday-Sunday with food vendors too (grab that elephant ear!)

Have you been to Charlotte Frontier Days, what do you enjoy seeing when you go?

craft shows at frontier days

Mixing activities for old & young are found at Charlotte Frontier Days. Activities including rodeo, parade, concerts & kids activities.  


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