Michigan Honey Festival: The Place to BEE
Michigan Honey Festival
Michigan Honey Festival is not just for bee keepers. It’s for people who like nature, love gardening, enjoy honey and are looking for something fun to do. It has something for the entire family to visit with exhibits/vendors, hands on activities and items to purchase made of wax, honey and flowers (just to name a few things).
There are seminars that you can attend. Check out the Michigan Honey Festival website to find out seminars are of interest to you.
There are kids activities as well with bee themes as well. Crafts are always a big hit where you kids can make and take something home.
Vendors are a favorite to come see. Lots of different products made of honey wax and food. There are some vendors who have samples. Bee sure to check out the display of custom beehives (very impressive).
There are displays indoors and outdoors. You’ll notice this is a display of how they extract honey from a hive. Why would he be in a tent? If he wasn’t, he would be attracting honey bees from the area (the year we went there was also a tent of bees).
Exhibits and displays change every year, so you will want to go every year, to learn something new at a seminar (like wintering your bees), connect with other bee keepers. There are also vendors to purchase things from (so bring money). The vendors also sell bee friendly plants as well.
There is a fee to go to the Michigan Honey Festival, so check their site for fees and location.
It’s the place to Bee!