how to cook artichoke hearts
Have you been buying your artichoke hearts in a package? You can cook artichoke hearts yourself and have fresh artichoke hearts. Check out how you can boil them below.
Cook artichoke hearts
What you’ll need:
pan with a lid or something to hold the artichokes down
Place the artichokes into a deep pot so they can be submerged in the water.
You will then need to put something on top of the pan to help keep the artichokes submerged in the water. (I used a pie plate)
When the artichokes are done, the petals will pull off easily (these took about 30 minutes).
Peel the petals off the artichoke hearts. You can leave 1-2 inches of the stem.
Remove the fuzzy part of the artichoke also. You can use a spoon to gently remove it.
What is left is the artichoke heart you can eat.
What recipes will you make with your cooked artichoke hearts?