Printable Emergency Contact Form for Babysitter
babysitter emergency contact form
We seem to write down all the information for our babysitter (when family isn’t available) over and over again. It gets pretty old to share with the sitter and I’m sure she gets it after the first few times, but I still feel the need to write it down, especially if there was an emergency (so thankful for the cell phones). That is why I came up with the babysitter emergency contact form.
So I thought having a printable sheet where they can just reference it would be helpful (I sometimes forget some things) so having it written down in a location for reference when I’m not in a hurry, made sense for me, and I think it will for you as well.
provide this child care instruction sheet to their care taker
You can laminate and hang on your fridge for your sitter. Included on the form, is a place for you to share information on if your kids have allergies. Super important if your kids shouldn’t eat certain foods, are allergic to bees, gluten free.
I hope this helps you out and makes it easier when you want to have a date night with your love.
Download the babysitter emergency contact form PDF for free!