Printable Emergency Contact Form for Car Seat

printable emergency contact form car seat


Printable Emergency Contact Form Template

We visited the local touch a fire truck/police car event in the Summer.  The kids had a blast.  The police took photos of the kids in case they were ever to go missing.  They did a  great job of documenting the kids information.  The one thing I found missing was providing us something to put into the car if there was an accident.

What I mean by this is, if we were in an accident and the adults in the car were unable to speak for the kids, how can family be contacted if there is an accident?  How will you know if the child has allergies? What if your child in special needs?

After seeing so many accidents happening during holiday weekends, it reminded me of this and I felt I needed to do something now.

How do the EMT, police and fireman know their names of the kids if the parents are unconscious or worse. This is so very important for those younger kids and non-verbal kids.

You may also need the printable emergency babysitter form.

How would EMT’s know that a child had allergies or who to contact.  It would provide such comfort to the child to be called their name, don’t you agree?

I searched Google and didn’t find an emergency contact form for the car seats, so I made one.

You can download and print the emergency contact form PDF too.

Maybe I watch too much NCIS, CSI and other shows that sometimes show things like this.  I just see a need to have filled with this.  Please pass on to your friends and put them in your cars.  Tape them on the side (and bottom) of the car seats.

Do you have an emergency contact form in your vehicle for your kids?

Download our printable emergency contact form now for peace of mind! Safeguard your loved ones by providing vital information in case of unforeseen events.

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  1. Pingback: Emergency Information Cards | Two Clever Moms
  2. It’s funny, I made this suggestion to some friends of mine here in the ME and the reaction was “how dumb is that! You should have your babies in your arms during a crash because it is safer!” Wow, they are really really behind the times, and even more naive!!

    1. Oh wow, that is just crazy. I don’t think you have the time to unbelt yourself and them in an emergency (let alone it’s not safe!)

  3. WOW – scary to think about having to use this – but so useful!
    Thanks you

  4. I have temporary tattoos that say, “if found, pleas call” and then a blank spot to write your cell phone number on. It helped me feel better about taking my then 2 year old to the water-park. Thankfully no one has ever had to use it to call me.

    1. That is a good idea Robyn! My husband lost my daughter at the Disney Waterpark a few years back. Kids went in different directions. The life guards helped them reunite within minutes….but still scary! We need those tattoos!

  5. Thank you for sharing this information. It is a fantastic idea. I would even go a step further and place one of these cards inside the diaper bag.

  6. Simply clever! Why don’t I ever think of these things? My children are way past car seat age, but I’ll definitely pass this on. 🙂

  7. That’s great! Have you seen the WHALE (We Have A Little Emergency) stickers that you can put on the window or windshield to alert t hem to the fact that this information is available in the vehicle?

  8. I love this idea! I wish I had little ones so I can use it but I have printed it out for my niece and several people I know with little ones! Thank you!

  9. Very cool! While we don’t have kids in car seats any more, I will be passing this along to those that do. Thanks for sharing!

  10. first i want to say im sorry for the loses in texas over thanksgiving(bad wreck) secondly people pay attion to the road , slow down, follow precautions if its rainning i think think 75 is a bit fast dont you. use common sense when driving its a 2000 lb machine.

    1. My hope is that this will get kids care they need in an emergency situation. Not everyone is responsible when driving, I wish it were different.

  11. What a great idea. I printed out 10 of them. 3 for my car and also for my daughter and daughter in laws cars… I love it

  12. This is such a great idea ! I have never thought of this before , alot of times this information is not know and it is a scary situation to be in for anyone ! I am going to print a couple for my kids and stick them on their seats asap ! Thanks for the post !

    1. You are welcome. My thoughts were to spread this around to make every child have a voice with these in an emergency.

  13. My wife has been looking for something like this. She knew someone in her moms group that was in a car accident with her kids and that was the only way they knew who they were.

    1. Oh how heartbreaking Michael. I’m so thankful your wife’s friend had these. So important. Thanks for sharing your story.

  14. This is a wonderful idea and can be life saving too! I’ve downloaded it and will have my husband print it out. I’m sure he’ll think I’m paranoid and what not but you can never tell your fate. Praying though that we never really have to use them.

  15. wow what a great idea!! I think everyone with kids should do something like this for safety reasons! It will help keep our kids safe!

  16. I have contact info (but no allergy/special instructions) on the strollers but I have never thought of doing this for car seats. Wonderful idea….especially since we have on child with allergies and another that’s a tubie! I am printing these out and putting them on all 4 of my kids’ seats!

  17. What a great idea. In case something happens you never know. This is a smart idea and everyone should do this. Thanks for sharing.

    1. You are welcome. I would rather help my kids any way I can to be safe if I couldn’t speak for them.

  18. What an awesome idea! I wish I had thought of this when my kids were little. I will have to tell my brother about these! Thanks for sharing!

  19. This is a GREAT! idea. Way to go! I just printed it and can not wait untill I can give it to my son! I shared this to my facebook also Tweeted it . All people need to have this for their babies! Kepp speadin it, It will get around every one need to add it to their facebook G+ and Tweet (retweet) we should all spead this around. It could save a childs life! Thank you so much!
    Happy Holidays and stay safe,

  20. That is a phenomenal idea. A little scary to have to think about but you know, you DO have to think about things like this… Really great idea about putting them on car seats. You know, they don’t use a lot of car seats in this part of the world (and I have gotten into many many arguments with drives holding their infants in the front seats while driving.) You have given me a point of inspiration to change things and once I do I will be using your idea.

  21. This is such an awesome Idea, this is true there is nothing for carseats for an emergency contact, very smart thinking!!!

  22. Although it is very scary thinking about the “possibility” of something tragic occuring in which your children are left all alone, having this vital information available/on hand will ensure the kids getting the proper care needed. Thanks for sharing.

  23. What a fabulous idea! I’m printing as we speak and will be sharing on my FB page. This is actually something that I’ve thought about, especially after a major car accident we were involved in 4 years ago (thankfully no one was injured). It certainly will give me peace of mind to know I have this information on my kids car seats. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Thanks for sharing your story. The big pile up accident over Thanksgiving in Texas reminded me that I needed to take this and put it on paper and share.

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