How to Easy Can Pears at Home | CANNING RECIPES

Canning Pears
Did you know that you pick pears when they are green? You then allow them to ripen in your baskets and then you can them? I had no idea. But this is how we did it to get them to ripen at the same time so we could can them when they were ripe.
They take a little time to can as you have to peel them, but there is no blanching involved in this recipe.
You can add mint, cinnamon or other flavors to your syrup to give them different flavors if you are canning on syrup. You can also can the pears in water without sugar, but will they need to hot pack them.
We have several canning recipes to help you eat your garden.

Do The Pears Need to Be Ripe to Can?
You can use pears that are ripe. It is easier to can them when they are just slightly under ripe. They are easier to peel and will not get mushy when canned. Get the pears when they are just starting to turn yellow (light yellow).

Unless they are soft when you pick them, they do not ripen until after they are picked.

Can You Raw Pack Pears?
Yes, but they need to have a sweetener like sugar, honey or fruit juice. If you are just packing the jars with water, you are going to need to hot pack (cook the pears) and then process the jars.

What Can You Do with Over Ripe Pears?
They will make the best pear sauce (like applesauce)
Do You Pick Before or After They Ripen?
For best use, pick them before they are ripened. They will ripen together and there is less likely of a chance that the ants will get into them or the birds pecking them.
How to Can Pears | Canning
- pears
- sugar
- water
- Boil the jar lids to sterilize (until the water boils) or clean on sanitize mode in your dishwasher.
- In a separate pot, add 1 cup sugar to 5 cups water (for light syrup). 3 cups sugar to 5 cups water (for medium syrup). 4 cups sugar to 4 cups water (for heavy syrup). Bring to simmer.
- Place 2 quarts water in a large bowl with 3 round tablespoons of fruit fresh (citric acid) and blend.
- Peel and remove the skin of the pear.
- Cut into half or quarters, remove any seeds, and place into bowl of water/fruit fresh mix.
- Drain the pears from the water and place into your canning jars.
- Fill the jars, leaving 1 inch head space.syrup solution (instead of water)
- Add syrup to the jars.
- You can twist/tip the jars gently to get the air bubbles out or use a butter knife to remove the bubbles.
- Clean the top of the jar and place the lid and ring on the jar and tighten slightly.
- Place the jars in the canner with hot water above the jars and cover.
- Allow the water begins to boil, keep the jars in water bath for 25 minutes for quarts or 20 minutes for pints.
- Remove the jars and place on the counter to cool.
- Place the date and what is in the jar with a permanent marker.