make homemade butter easily
homemade butter
Have you ever wonder what goes into making butter? A restaurant owner I met on a recent trip in Ohio shared with us how they make everything they serve from scratch, including their butter and condiments. Larry shared with us how to make butter an it was pretty easy, that I decided to try to make my own homemade butter. If you have about 15 minutes, you can do it to!
What you’ll need:
1 pint heavy cream
1 teaspoon salt (optional)
stand mixer with chilled bowl
clean towel
Prep – Use a metal bowl if you have one and put it in the fridge to chill over night or for 1-2 hours before you start
You will want to have a stand alone mixer to do this and a clean towel. If you have a hand held mixer, that is ok to use. But honestly, holding it for about 15 minutes will wear on your arm out.
See the video on how I made homemade butter below.
Pour the heavy cream into the bowl and attach to the mixer and turn it on at full speed.
You will want to let it go and keep an eye on it. It will go through a few stages, looking like whipped cream and then like cottage cheese (almost there). You can add your salt at this point.
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I noticed that when it was almost done, it started to throw the liquid outside of the bowl. You will want to cover it with the towel, you are almost done. I would also turn down the mixer at this point, because once it clumps together to form butter, it sloshes around and makes a mess (speaking from experience).
Once it forms a ball, it is done and can be removed from the mixer.
You will want to save the liquid, that is buttermilk. Mix that with a little whole milk and you can make lots of great things.
You will want to place the butter in a strainer and wash the butter. This will remove excess buttermilk. We used cold water with ice cubes.
I found that 1 pint of heavy cream, make about 1 pound of butter and approximately 12 ounces of buttermilk.
This seems much faster than the “shake it in a jar” method. I’m going to ry this.